Saturday, April 10, 2010

Day 9 - Sopchoppy, FL

once again, a long and steady ride today thru rural BFE Florida. rode on hwy 98 west all day with a light tailwind and very light traffic. loving these nice smooth roads with clean shoulders. a little shorter ride of 70 miles. traffic was so light that I broke protocol and put on the MP3 player to jam to. nice. set up camp at holiday campground in Sophoppy, FL. cheating a bit on the camping by indulging in a restaurant meal and a few holes of the masters.
really loving the go-as-I-please of this trip. daily destination goals have been within reach; it's just nice to ease and enjoy the ride. nice change from IM training days. easy day tomorrow.

today: 67 miles
to date: 460

1 comment:

  1. A little local information - Panacea used to be known for its suphurous springs that were thought to bring healing powers to those who bathed in them.

    Would love to see some pics !
    Wish you were here to be a diversion from studying ....
