Monday, April 5, 2010

Day 4 - Cape Canaveral to Epcot Center

after a late evening of laughing and Dom mimosas, dave, tiff, young dave, dylan, and I got up early to drive to cape canaveral to see the shuttle launch. what a great surprise to both add AND cross off a bucket list entry! it was quite the sight up close! after breakfast, we said our goodbyes and I was off and away towards epcot to see my sister and fam. had a great ride of 65 miles with a little tailwind, always a welcome thing. met up at epcot and munched on sushi. was proud to see my 16 yr old niece, Emily, mature into a polite and very well-spoken young lady.

i managed to lose my southern tier ACA map off my handlebar today before i even used it. smooth move, donnie......
today: 65 miles

to date: 135

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