Friday, April 16, 2010

Day 15 - Stockton, AL

greetings and salutations on this fine and glorious Friday night in lively stockton, AL. enjoyed a leisurely cool morning cruise thru the quaint and charming southern Alabama towns; Point Clear, Fairhope, and Daphne before hitting Spanish Fort.

nice flat strolls quickly turned into a chapped ass moment when I took a wrong turn and had to double back, about a 6 mile hit; hate to back-track miles due to my own lapse of attention. hit 800 miles cumulative just past Spanish Fort, and that's when the steady rollers kicked right in; the nice long descents were nice, but there's a climb for every one, so it was a solid, but nicely managed day. ended up in Stockton, AL, out in nowhere, really. camping at camp delta, and enjoyed the shower I had to miss yesterday (gross, but sometimes necessary), and availed myself of laundry facilities. very nice night out under the stars again. fly is out, but open to catch a breeze. sweet. another landmark day.

i wish i could express the sense of total freedom being out here everyday, getting from here to there, every mile bringing a new view and each stop meeting local folks and chatting about this and that. it's very liberating !!

today: 67 miles
to date: 825


  1. Happy Day 15 Donnie. That sense of total freedom you speak of sounds great. 825 miles.....amazing. And I am nervous about running a 10k trail run in the morning.....all about perspective right?

  2. Enjoy reading your posts and following your progress. Have a great time.
