today began with a nice sleep-in and weak hotel coffee - yuk. the weather was, you guessed it, cloudy and gloomy. there was a high chance of rain, so a seemingly well-timed day off. moved our bikes and gear a few blocks away to the cyclists' hostel at a local church. we had scoped out the place yesterday and found it to be a great setup: beds, stocked kitchen, showers. had a quiet place !
I had begun to experience flare-ups of a chronic foot ailment in the early spring, so I hadn't run in some time, maybe 10 weeks. my foot had been feeling fine as of late from the rest, so with the weather actually looking up, I decided to go for a short easy run to break up the grind of cycling. very much enjoyed the run, feeling the wake-up to running muscles. unfortunately, my right foot didn't agree; I seem to have easily aggravated the plantar fascitiis. will have to bag running til I can see my foot guy back home. :(
spent a couple of hours at the library doing blog maintenance, mostly downloading pictures from the digital cam; most of each days' pic posts come from the iPhone. it's been a nice treat, and a good impression of the regular presence of public libraries in these small midwestern towns.
the weather cleared throughout the afternoon into a sunny day; go figure, the day expected to be the crappiest of the week turned out to be the nicest. it did rain later that night. ugh.
settled into an easy dinner of a monster salad, and called it an early night.
in the picture above is the church that housed the cyclists' only accommodation. very nice. fully stocked kitchen, HOT WATER shower !
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